United Group of Food Consultants
Power of Thoughts

Food Chemicals



Proteins are necessary building blocks for growth. Our protein supplements today are commonly used for children, nursing mothers, old age people and body builders.

Whey Protein Concentrates (WPC)

Whey protein is a mixture of globular proteins isolated from whey, the liquid material created as a by-product of cheese production. Some preclinical studies in rodents have suggested that whey protein may possess anti-inflammatory or anti-cancer properties. The effects of whey protein on human health are of great interest and are currently being investigated as a way of reducing disease risk, as well as a possible supplementary treatment for several diseases. It is the most efficient protein for the human body as it is easily digested and absorbed better than any other protein. We offer a range of Whey Protein Concentrate (WPC) with 35%, 50%, 80% & 90 % protein content.

Use: WPC 80 is most commonly used in baking to replace 100% eggs in cakes. It is also used in dairy applications as a stabilizer due to its surface acting properties. WPC 80 is a source of protein in growing children, nursing mothers, sport and health supplements and for old people.

Vital wheat gluten

Vital wheat gluten is an insoluble fraction of wheat protein consisting of gliadins and glutenins. It is added in low gluten flour for production of breads and buns. It gives volume, strength and softness to the baked goods. Wheat Gluten is also used in noodle and pizza production for imparting strength and chewiness.

We offer Vital Wheat Gluten with min 82% protein content.

Use: Wheat gluten is also used both as a protein source and binding ingredient in pet foods.

Isolated Soya Protein (ISP)

Soy protein isolate is the best substitute for animal-derived proteins and most commonly used in processed meat industry. Soy protein isolate is used for moisture and fat absorption, emulsification, aeration and for increasing protein and amino acid content. Because it is rich in protein, athletes use it to help increase lean muscle mass and nutrition beverages.

Use: It can be used as a meat replacement or supplement. The extrusion technology changes the structure of the soy protein, resulting in a fibrous, spongy matrix similar in texture to meat.