United Group of Food Consultants
Power of Thoughts

From the Desk of CEO: Mr. Raj Kumar

Our whole life is but a game, consisting of  - work, family, health, friends and spirit! Therefore, it is of utmost importance to strike a balance between all these
Five aspects of life in the following manner :-

  • Do not compare yourself with others and never underestimate yourself .
  • Decide your goals yourself – you know what is best for you.
  • Don’t give up easily,
  • Don’t be afraid to learn, knowledge has no weight, and is easy to carry.

I have been an ardent believer in the above principles since my youth and since I am basically  a food technologist, I have channelised my energies to first building up and strengthening the food industry in India.  Today, as the CEO of the Divine Group of Companies, with my skilled and highly technical staff, we started with:

  1. United Group of Food Consultants : (Year 2005) A group providing food consultancy to young and upcoming entrepreneurs in the food industry and address their teething problems.
  2. Subsequently, in the year 2009: another branch of the group was formed called “Divine Spirituality Mission” to spread the message of truth and peace throughout the world.
  3. (2010) -To ensure continuity in our endeavor to support the food industry and the technology involved another branch of the group called Divine Technology was instituted for the design and manufacture of sophisticated food processing and manufacturing machines which were not only much in demand in India but also became very popular overseas.
  4. In the year 2010 – In order to cater to the need based customers of the food Industry, Divine food and marketing was formed, who specialized in the manufacture of bread, rusks and various other confectionary supported by excellent Hygenic process of food manufacture by our experts.  This was a ISO-9001 Company.
  5. In order to promote art and cultural activities amongst the youth, yet another Branch has been formed called “Divine Entertainment”, inviting upcoming artists, Singers and dancers to learn the performing arts and gradually are able to perform Confidently on the stage before the audience.  The youth are encouraged to come Forward for auditions in this regard, and is becoming exceedingly popular by the day.

Last but not the least, my greetings to all of you,  and my sincerest thanks to you for spending your valuable time for coming here and according your kind attention to our endeavors.